Money Lifeboost


Money is one of the many reasons people stay in negative relationships and circumstances, have toxic jobs, and don’t achieve their life goals.

Learn how to think about money differently and practically sort out your finances.

This is not financial advice but tested tools to improve your financial affairs. It is suitable for children from age 7 to do with their parents and for whole family groups.


Lifeboosts short courses and group therapy.

You learn in many ways, and working through facilitated information, journaling your own thoughts, and making new decisions are powerful ways of growing and changing. Sharing with others and learning from them in a structured manner is also very encouraging when you are facing a life change. Mari hosts frequent 4-week courses called Lifeboosts. The Lifeboosts cost R2399 per person per topic.

What is a Lifeboost? It is a tipping point where you learn new skills through information sharing, but more than that, you apply the information into action, taking your life in the direction you want to take it. Lifeboosts are for you if:

  • You have experienced a Lifequake, and you are shaken up. You want to heal. You are stuck and need to get into a different space. It would be best if you had guidance and support.
  • You need a lifeline. You are struggling with an aspect of your life and want to get practical, tried-and-tested, street-smart advice.
  • You are ready for a Lifeboost! You are in a good space and want to do some personal development. You are prepared to grow and learn!

I facilitate the Lifeboosts in a format that allows for individual empowerment. You take complete control of your personal development. The Lifeboost Courses are set with different elements:

  1. Learn: Education where you work through material you receive via email/WhatsApp every week.
  2. Practice: Activities and reflection where you test, experiment, reflect and journal about your awareness and experiences.
  3. Share: Participating in group sessions and platforms where you can share your experiences and learn from others. These may be online or in-person, depending on the circumstances.

How much time do I need to do this? The Lifeboosts are short, sharp, practical courses. You will typically need 20 – 30 minutes daily to work through the material and activities, and an hour and a half for the group sessions every second week.


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